History of Christ the Good Shepherd Church

Christ the Good Shepherd Church was born through the merger of three local Episcopal churches in Los Angeles. St Andrews founded in 1906, Good Shepherd founded in 1912 and Christ Chapel, a mission of St James Church, founded in 1953. The merger was completed on Trinity Sunday, June 15, 1957.

The name Christ the Good Shepherd was formed from Christ Chapel and Good Shepherd combining the names of the two churches. The first service of the newly formed and built church was held on December 20, 1959. During the early years of the church, the community and the nation were dealing with many major events such as the Civil Rights movement, the Martin Luther King march on Washington, the Vietnam War, Watts Riot, and the surrounding community changing from white to black. The church provided a healing ministry in the community by helping to develop the Good Shepherd Manor, an eleven-story structure that provides housing to senior citizens, a Center for Independent Living for the physically disabled, a Black Panther breakfast program, a food pantry/distribution program for the needy, and a Youth and Tutorial program. A Second housing project was established in Inglewood for the physically disabled and the frail elderly.

In 1986 the church was named a jubilee Church. During the 1980s and 1990s, the church sponsored a Black College Tour that enabled young people to visit HBCUs. Mission Kenya was also an outreach program sponsored by the church in the Diocese of Eldoret in Kenya, East Africa for disabled persons and missionaries.

Christ the Good Shepherd Church has provided space and support for a wide variety of community programs through the years. Each month food, hygiene items, and sometimes items of clothing are distributed to needy members of the community.

The Church has as indicated by its mission statement continued to serve others and follow the example of Christ in caring for the community.